My book about my mother's life during the Holocaust

Friday, November 25, 2011


Both my parents were Dutch Jews, both are Holocaust survivors. All four of my grand-parents died in German concentration camps. I am first generation American and actually grew up in a very old European feeling household where both my parents spoke Dutch to me and where I was constantly reminded about the horrors that they had to go through to survive the war.
I had asked my mother many times to write a book and she always agreed that she had to. I thought that she either just never got around to doing it or that it was just too painful for her to re-live again.
STEVEN SPIELBERG actually interviewed my mother at her house in Murphys, California in 1996. Her tape on how she survived the war is in the National Holocaust Museum.


Is a true account of what my Mother went through during WW II as a Jewish girl in Holland.
About 3 years after my mother died I finally found the strength to go through the box of papers that she had left behind. Inside that box was a smaller box with a red ribbon tied around it. When I opened it, I found her handwritten journal about the terrifying events that she went through during World War II. As soon as I realized what I was holding, I knew that she had left this for me to publish for her.

I promise, if after you read my book you feel like it was not worth the $10.99 that you paid for it, I will refund your money (less shipping) to you.
People who have read the book are saying, "a very powerful book", "fascinating", "very easy reading", "once you start reading you can't put it down" and "a very different perspective than other accounts".
I promise you, you will not be disappointed.

If you would like to purchase a copy. Please either just go to Paypal and click on Send Money. My address is You can pay for it there with a credit card, or you can just mail me a check to: Jeannie Klerk-DeVries, P.O. Box 2116, Alturas, CA 96101. Please add shipping costs with the $10.99 per book. I also have a European PayPal account for people who pay with Euros. My address is: Go to and there you can pay for the book in Euros. Either way please make sure that you give me your mailing address and let me know if you would like me to sign and date it, and/or add anything special to my little note. Thanks so much
If you have any questions, you can just call me on my cell phone: 530-708-0059. From 10 a.m. to 11 p.m., California time please.

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